an international teacher and healer with 20 years experience working with people, supporting them to find RELAXATION and EASE in all aspects of their life.
I’m Tantrica, Meditator, Family Constellation therapist, founder of Heart Tantra community, Tango dancer and a mother of teenage daughter.

For years I was stuck in unhealthy relationships, meeting the same type of partner, repeating the same dynamics of conflict, power games and revenge... till one day I became really sick and tired of that viscious circle. That was the moment when my search began.

Now, practicing Tantra and Family Constellations for almost 20 years,
I found answers about the nature of femininity, sexuality, love and spirituality that opened me up to a whole new level of relaxation. I’m here to share with you the wisdom that completely changed my life, making it so much more relaxed, happy, adventurous and juicy.


We’ll look deeply into your current situation and what you want to achieve. Often dreams seem impossible or problems seem too big to solve because of our traumas and limiting beliefs. I use Family Constellation method to help you recognise the unconscious dynamics that run your life. To liberate you from them means to find the root cause behind different symptoms , affecting the way you live your life. Once we find it, the healing process starts.


Bringing the root causes of traumas and limiting beliefs to the light of conscious mind gives you freedom of choice. They rule your life only if they stay at a subconscious level.


All those traumas and limiting beliefs are stored in the physical body in the form of energy blockages. After the root cause is brought to the Conscious level and acknowledged, we release stuck and frozen energy through your body. I use Trauma Healing, BioDynamic Breathwork and Active Meditations.


We apply techniques, based on movement, visualisations, breath and vocalisations for creating new experiences in the body that displace limiting thoughts and emotions, such as shame, powerlessness, and low self-esteem with thoughts and emotions supporting you in achieving your dreams.



7 individual online sessions
7 individual 90-minute video sessions
(1 session per week)
Each session is unique and caters to what you are going through in each moment.
Supervision and support during the program
  • individually chosen structures and meditations for you to do in between the sessions to support your process
  • Real time communication during the program facilitated through WhatsApp messages 
  • 1 phone call, person to person, each week
Your personal toolkit
  • Individually chosen structures to support your process after the program
  • Prerecorded guided meditations for you to remain in the flow
A deep understanding of your inner structure creating problems or keeping you away from your dreams
A toolkit to overcome difficult situations in your professional and private life
Feeling more energised, as your life energy frozen in the blockage flows back into your system
Personal practical recommendations and techniques supporting you in your daily life

You will walk away with:

Price and Payment

an international teacher and healer with 20 years experience working with people, supporting them to find RELAXATION and EASE in all aspects of their life.
I’m Tantrica, Meditator, Family Constellation therapist, founder of Heart Tantra community, Tango dancer and a mother of teenage daughter.

For years I was stuck in unhealthy relationships, meeting the same type of partner, repeating the same dynamics of conflict, power games and revenge... till one day I became really sick and tired of that viscious circle. That was the moment when my search began.

Now, practicing Tantra and Family Constellations for almost 20 years,
I found answers about the nature of femininity, sexuality, love and spirituality that opened me up to a whole new level of relaxation. I’m here to share with you the wisdom that completely changed my life, making it so much more relaxed, happy, adventurous and juicy.



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All rights reserved © Lisa Martin